Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Alexis's progress report - 2014-2015 2nd semester

Alexis's teachers are very happy with her and love having her in their class. Here is what they wrote on her progress report.

Pre-Reading/Language Milestones - "Alexis enjoys both listening and "reading" stories. She is often observed being the "teacher" and reading a book to her friends. Alexis has grown very confident in recognizing and writing her letters."

Cognitive/Math Milestones - "Using our manipulatives in our classroom, Alexis can create a simple ABAB pattern. She has also started creating ABBA patterns. Time is a subject that interests Alexis. She is always asking what time is it and wants to know what the hands on the clock represent.

Multicultural/Social Studies Milestones - "Alexis loves learning about her community and everything that is associated with it. She plays very nicely with friends and is willing to share. Alexis plays very nicely with friends and is cooperative while doing so. She has also taken a liking to all of the languages we have learned over the course of the semester."

Science Milestones - "Alexis enjoys keeping tabs on our class pets and informing the class what is going on. Whenever we are learning about animals, she is very interested. Before an experiment, Alexis will make a prediction to what she thinks is going to happen. She will identify what makes something living and nonliving."

Technology Milestones - "Alexis works at an age appropriate level on the computer. She knows how to use a mouse correctly, and is able to log on and off. Alexis is very confident when maneuvering on the computer. She know exactly where all of the programs are located, and their purpose."

Physical Milestones - "Alexis enjoys completing puzzles both independently and dependently. She has also been observed zipping her jacket without assistance. Alexis absolutely loves to hop and skip. Whether we are inside or outside, she creates her own "Hopscotch" board to hop on."

Art/Music Milestones - "Just recently, Alexis has become very comfortable in our music activities. She likes using the instruments and showing off her dance moves. Alexis is very detailed in her artwork and draws great representations of items. She takes pride in her work and cannot wait to show it off."

2nd Semester comments - "It has been a pleasure having Alexis in our class this year! She has brought a love of learning new things and wanting to be involved with everything. Alexis has mastered writing her name order and in a straight line. We are now going to work with her on writing all words in the proper formation. Alexis also truly enjoys writing and tries to write various letters and "words." We are going to take this love of writing and increase the amount of writing in her journal. We will also challenge Alexis with learning a variety of ways to count, such as by fives and tens. We are looking forward to watching Alexis continue to grow over next year!"

I love an appreciate how her teachers see Alexis's love of learning. She is extremely observant, asks a lot of questions and remembers everything! She continues to love school and gets excited about learning new things. She is always surprising me with what all she knows. She is brilliant!

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