The ABC's of Being an Awesome Mom
I saw this on Pinterest and I loved it. Lessons to learn and (try to) live by.
A lways encourage me, especially when I'm feeling down
B e present when you're with me
C uddle me close, just because
D iscipline me when I need it
E njoy the silly moments we share together
F orgive my mistakes
G ive yourself a time out when you feel ready to crack
H old my hand when I start my first day of school
I nsist I do my homework
J oke with me
K iss me, even when I'm too old to enjoy it
L isten to me
M ake up stories to share with me
N ever stop believing in me
O order me to help around the house
P romise me it's going to be okay when a boy breaks my heart
Q uestion me about my day
R ead to me often
S tay with me that little extra bit longer when i'm feeling shy
T each me to be kind, patient and empathetic
U nderstand my side of the story
V alue the good in me and don't dote on the bad
W atch the stars with me
eX ite in me, delight in me
Y ell less, whisper more
Z ero in on what makes me special, and don't ever let me forget it
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