Friday, May 8, 2015

Ariana's 4-month check-up!

Ariana is right on track!
She's generally a happy baby with lots of smiles and hugs! (when she's being held that is!)

She weighs 12 lb 5.2 oz and in 11%tile.
She stands 2' 0.75" and in the 57%tile.
Her head is 15.98" around which puts her in the 45%tile.

According to the Docs, here is what Ariana should be learning now:
-squeals and waves arms when excited = she does this
-makes sounds like "ooh" and "aah" = I hear sounds but I think it's more like "daaa"
-briefly holds a small rattle =  she does this
-pushes up on arms while on stomach = the doctor saw her do this today!
-brings hands to mouth = yes! she loves her hands and her toes
-rolls from back to sides = she does this and she even rolled over, for the first time, at the doctors office, from her back to her belly!
-enjoys sitting with your support = definitely!

What Ariana should be learning next:
-makes sounds like "ga" or "ba" = I'll have to listen for this
-smiles at self in mirror = Ariana LOVES looking at herself in the mirror!
-reaches and grasps toys = I think she does this
-shakes and bangs rattles
-rolls from stomach to back = we're going to be watching for this
-grabs feet when lying on back = she loves her feet
-know own name = I want to think she knows her name

I talked to the doctor about a lot of things today. I have A LOT of work to do with this little girl. With Ariana being my first baby that I could breast feed, and that I am home with (ALL day), I've done a few things (unintentionally) wrong. Or at least had I known then what I know now, I would do differently.

Feeding - I still can't get her to take a bottle. She is such a momma's girl that she is using me to graze all day long, to put herself to sleep and to comfort herself. She's eating anywhere from every 1.5 to 3 hours and she should be eating every 4 hours at this point. Part of the problem (I think) is that she likes it quiet when she eats and as you all know, it's anything but quiet with 3 kids in the house.

Sleeping - Ariana only cat-naps during the day. And for that to happen she has to be held or bounced in her seat. The minute you stop, she wakes up. Or the minute you lay her down, she wakes up. Again, I think if it was quiet and if the other 2 girls would let her sleep, she may sleep better. Putting her down at night is a long process AND she's not sleeping in her crib yet. In fact, she's still not sleeping flat on her back. I really think if I get her sleeping in the crib, it will fix her during the day time too. Up till and including now she's needed to be upright. She has been congested a lot and has had many colds. Upright is good for her. I'm going to read how to do the "Ferber" method of getting children to sleep in their cribs and focus on that first. I think if I get that fixed, routine and more of a schedule will just happen.

Good news, I can start to feed her cereal. I have tried but she hasn't shown too much interest. I'm going to keep trying though. A fuller belly might help too!

Thanks for checking in!

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