Monday, October 27, 2014

Alexis's 4-year check-up

Last week I had Alexi's 4-year "well" visit. 4 years old! I can hardly believe it.

I took a few concerns to the doctor but the doctor did not have any concerns! I guess that's a good thing.

She had a hearing test and they also checked her eyes. She did great on both!

Alexis weighs 30lbs 3.3 oz and is in the 11%ile based on weight-for-age.
She is 3'3" tall and in the 34%ile based on stature-for-age.
Her BMI is 13.9 and with that, she's in the 9%ile based on the CDC 2-20 Years BMI-for-age date.

What the Doctor's office lists as: What your child will be learning next
-Knows letters
-Sings alphabet song
-Counts 6 objects
-Catches a ball
-Climbs stairs without holding on
-Repeats a story
-Draws a person with at least 4 body parts
-Plays games with rules
-Can wait for turn
-Shares with others
-Cooperative play

Looking over this list, Alexis is well on her way. She recognizes some numbers and letters. She can count pretty high. She is good at catching/kicking a ball and enjoys playing games. Where we need to do some work, is getting her to draw her people a little more clearer and have her draw arms and legs. Of course we could always work on sharing too.

The doctor promises me she is steadily progressing in the right direction!

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