Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Avery's 18-month check-up

Avery's appointment today went very well.

All of the things listed under "What your child is learning now" she does. Her speech is still a concern for the doctor because he didn't hear her say one word during the visit and only grunts and groans. I explained to him that she can say many words but her older sister, right now, seems to be talking for her a lot of the time at home. When I make her say what she wants, she will fight me and scream for a VERY long time. Can you say stubborn? She has one month to really start talking and putting two words together. Starting...NOW! (Or else, it's another Early Intervention evaluation.)

"What your child will be learning next" she is also doing very well in!
Walking forward and backward - yes, rolls a large ball back and forth - she is ok with this. We will work on this with her. Stoops and squats - yes (this is how she sometime poops!). Turns pages of books - most definitely! Uses 2-3 word sentences - no where close yet. Points to some body parts - yes! She knows her eyes, ears, hair, nose & belly! Sings and dances - she's starting to dance but by no means does she sing! Imitates parents activities - not sure about parents activities but definitely her sisters activities!!! Does that count?

Avery's growth...
She weighs 22lbs 15.2 oz and she's in the 51%tile.
She is 2'7.75" and in the 39%tile.
Her head is 18.74" around and that puts her in the 81%tile.

She is progressing very well. Avery may not be verbalizing with words but she is VERY smart and surprising and impressing us everyday with how smart she is. Give her a book and ask her to point to the (whatever) and 9 times out of 10 she will be right. She takes directions and understands what you say or tell her or ask of her. She is 18-months so yes, she still disobeys and doesn't always listen!

We are still meeting with the Allergist and as a last resort and trying her on Lactaid milk. Fingers are crossed this will work for her. Her face is looking better, although the eczema on her face looks better (today) it's now on her one elbow and legs. Her poop is another issue. We will wait and see.

I also have a script to have a lateral neck x-ray done on her. This is to see if her adnoids are enlarged. It's not scheduled yet but I will keep you posted.
Thanks for checking in!

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