Sunday, December 1, 2013

A very special weekend!

Friday was Grand mom (from Florida's) Birthday! We didn't get to see her but we called and wished her a Happy Birthday. We will try to get over to see her this week.

Saturday we had Landyn's 3rd Birthday party at Giggleberry Fair and Alexis had a great time! Landyn is a friend from Alexis's classroom.

Saturday also marked one year of my dad's passing. I still cannot believe it. We bought a balloon and Alexis and I wrote a note to him and then we released it at the tree I planted for him last year. We love him, we miss him and I ask him to continue to watch over us.

Sunday morning when we came down stairs, Alexis noticed her Elf Scout arrived! She knows now that she needs to be a good girl or Santa will find out! This morning Scout made her a breakfast snowman with her favorite...doughnuts!

We also have another Birthday party for a friend in Alexis's classroom. This time it's at a place called Bounce U. Another place that Alexis loves! Today's party is for her friend Lucas!

Ben and the girls will continue to decorate the tree while I do some laundry and cleaning. I even hope to work on getting our Christmas cards ready to mail.

We have a busy week this week. Thursday I take Avery to her first Allergy appointment and I hope all goes well there. Friday, Mommy and Daddy have a Date Night! Dinner and a P!NK concert! We can't wait!

Miss Alecia signed her CD cover to Alexis so we framed it to hang on her wall!

Thanks for checking in!

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