Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Avery's 9-month check-up

This morning Avery had her 9-month well-check!
This is where she stands...

Avery weighs 19lb 5.4 oz. This puts her in the 66.42%tile.
She stands 2' 4" which puts her in the 62.04%tile.
Her head circumference is 17.99" and that is the 89.81%tile.

Today she received her Hep B vaccine and we also learned that she had an ear infection which means...antibiotic. (In case you didn't already know, Saturday Alexis was put on an antibiotic for an ear infection.)

According to the paperwork, this is what our child is learning now:
-makes sounds and uses gestures to communicate
-fills and dumps things
-uses toys to make noise
-turns pages in a book
-grasps smaller objects with hands and fingers
-stis, crawls and pull up to stand

What we can to to encourage our child's development:
-read books together and name the pictures
-name objects you see
-call your child by name
-encourage your child to imitate your words and sounds
-praise your baby for good behavior
-use finger foods to promote use of hands to grab food

What your child will be learnng  next:
-knows what words mean
-points to objects
-recognizes pictures in books
-plays with others by handing them things
-likes games like peek-a-boo an dpat-a-cake
-plays with toys by pushing, pulling, stacking and dumping
-stands alone and sits with control.

Some things I can start doing:
-I need to get her down to 3-4 bottles and 16-24 oz/day.
-I can start cheerios/puffs
-I can start to try soft fruits / veggies; finger foods

Exciting things are ahead for us!
Thanks for checking in!

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