Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Avery's six-month check-up

A little late but Avery had her six-month check-up this morning.

Here is where avery is at this point...
Avery weighs 17 lbs 4.9 oz which puts her into the 60.3%tile
She is 2'2 inches and that puts her in the 37.39%tile
Her head circumference is 17.24 inches around and that puts her in the 79.32%tile!

Here are some of the goals set for her to begin doing...
Standing by holding onto things
Waving bye-bye and other gestures
Play peek-a-book and pat-a-cake
Looking at books with others
Enjoys dump and fill toys
Enjoys pull and push toys
Grasp small objects with thumb and finger
Imitate and enjoy many different sounds

Early Intervention starts this week! PT will be coming once a week (to either here or the school), to work with her and to get her rolling over and starting to babble. Avery has very strong legs and back but needs to work on her core! (Don't we all!)

I'll keep you all posted on her progress!

Thanks for checking in!
Love to you all!

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